Investigation of male reproductive tract inflammation

If the semen analysis indicates an infection (increased number of round cells, mucus, increased viscosity, low motility), further investigation is recommended
If the semen analysis indicates an infection (increased number of round cells, mucus, increased viscosity, low motility), further investigation is recommended, which includes the following tests:
This test is performed on samples with a large number of round cells (usually azoospermia samples) to examine the type of cells and check whether the round cells detected are immature sperm cells. The presence of immature types of sperm confirms the spermatogenesis process. The option is then given to continue with testicular biopsy (TESE, microTESE) so as to identify mature sperm.
This test is performed on samples with a significant number of round cells and a high level of oxidation. It examines the ability of round cells to produce free radicals, so it also checks the origin of reactive oxygen species (ROS – free radicals that cause oxidation). If the sample is oxidized due to the round cells, the patient receives a course of antibiotics (if the round cells are due to inflammation) or suitable antioxidant treatment, with the aim of reducing the load.
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